From particle physics to medtech and biomedical research

Physicists study the fundamental structure of the universe using highly complex instruments and technology, such as CERN's accelerators, detectors and computing systems. Some of these instruments have applications beyond particle physics, in areas such as biomedical research, diagnostics and therapy for a variety of diseases. Progress in these medical fields can sometimes be linked to technological innovation at CERN. Join us as we explore some of the examples of knowledge and technology transfer from CERN to the healthcare sector.
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How will the future be shaped by new trends? Come and discuss our shared future in a programme of talks and debates interspersed with comedy, theatre and music. You will hear CERN's Director-General, Fabiola Gianotti, and the head of the CERN Theory group, Gian Giudice, give a glimpse into questions for the future. The head of the LHC's high-luminosity upgrade, Lucio Rossi, will share his enthusiasm for the luminous future of the LHC. Expand your horizons with debates on future intelligence, open science and arts and science collaborations. Enjoy a bit of music with an excerpt of the opera Einstein on the Beach by the Grand Théâtre de Genève and a short performance by world-renowned jazz musician Vladimir Tarasov.
